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The Must-Read Book Club

Shawna Emerick: This was required reading for the Coaching For Transformation training that I took years ago through the New York Open Center. It is one I have often used for quotes in my yoga classes, referral for my own healing, and reminder to stay wild, grateful, and living fully, my own authentic life.

YCNYC: Favorite quote?

SE: "My journey is no more or less important than yours. It is just the only one I can make authentically"

YCNYC: What one person would you recommend this book to?

SE: I would recommend this book to anyone who is a 'seeker' of any sort. I also recommend it to anyone who is needing to reconnect with their self, that place within that is a part of each of us and that is fully capable of loving and deserving of love.

YCNYC: What moment or part resonates with you the most?

SE: I love the fact that at the end of each chapter the reader is asked a question, one that inspires thought and searching within the soul. This resonates with me not only because I am now, and have been, a coach, but because I love asking those thought-provoking questions. I love using a question and pondering it during subway rides, while sitting with my soul, asking others for their answer, and allowing the answer to either arrive, or to continue to be in flux and evolve with me!

You can purchase I Will Not Die An Unlived Life: Reclaiming Purpose and Passion here.

Have a Must-Read book to recommend? Email us here.

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