Lauren Fecarotta
I have been taking Lauren Fecarotta’s class very steadily for a few years now, and was very pleased to hear that she was opening up her own studio in my very own neighborhood of Greenpoint, Brooklyn. Lucent Yoga is lovely: simply one large room with a high, punched tin ceiling, and light, soothing pastel colors. One exposed brick wall is lightly painted white, and the overall effect of the decor is a peaceful and pleasant energy. As I arrived at my first Saturday morning class at the studio, Lauren greeted me warmly as I scoped the place out. The class filled up quickly, and we were ready to begin. Lauren had instructed us to take two blocks, and we used these immediately, starting in one of my favorite restorative poses. With the blocks at two different levels (one supporting the head and one giving a lift under the shoulder blades), we came into supported fish. Finding a lovely heart-opener, this also gave us time to close the eyes and relax into the surroundings. Lauren led us through deep inhales and exhales to help regulate and deepen the breath. Having taken Lauren’s class so many times, I was familiar with her challenging and inventive style of flow, which always features some good core work. Most of the classes at the studio (including this one) are called “Lucent Yoga,” which is described as “...rooted in sweaty, fluid and intuitive movement...set to the rhythm of your breath and guided by beat-driven music.” The fairly full class I attended had a variety of levels of experience, and Lauren was an expert at teaching us all simultaneously. Though she did, indeed, briskly lead us through her signature “sweaty, fluid, and intuitive” flow, there were also periods of sweet rest in child’s pose, which she encouraged us to take at any point if we felt our body needed it. She said that one of the most advanced practices we can take in yoga is to know when to rest, when not to push ourselves too much. She also strongly encouraged us to listen to the breath, linking that with our movements. “Breath is boss,” she said, and I loved the simplicity and truth in that statement. One of the things I have always admired about Lauren’s class is her creative and yet very natural sequences of asana. I’m amazed at how she remembers the many poses on each side, and it shows her deep knowledge of the body as well as her own extensive preparation. These poses feel good together, and it’s clear that she has tried them out herself. Toward the end of class, we took pigeon, optionally using both of our blocks. This is a pose in which the more props the better for me, so I listened carefully as she instructed us to take one block on the second level lengthwise underneath the chest, and a second block also on its second level underneath the head. This allowed the torso to feel more grounded so that the hips were freed up to relax and open a bit more. It felt great. As we took our much deserved savasana, Lauren came around and gave each of us a lovely adjustment, her hands scented with what I thought was lavender. (After class, someone asked and I learned that it was actually rosemary. ”It smells so different on the skin,” Lauren said, and I definitely agreed. I left my first class at Lucent Yoga with a certainty that I would be back for many more wonderful classes to come. Or a workshop. As a Registered Ayurvedic Nutritionist, Lauren already has some great workshops lined up, including a community cleanse Ayurvedic detox. —Abby Payne for Yoga Sleuth Drop-in classes are $20. New students can purchase one unlimited week for $20. Saturday 11:30-12:45pm Open Lucent Yoga 172 Norman Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11222 718-383-1750