The Must-Read Book Club
Julianna Takacs: This particular one was recommended to me years ago - my preferred way of discovering a new book is through someone I trust. Gabriel Garcia Marquez has a way of writing makes me feel like I am seeing, touching, tasting every part of this heartbreakingly beautiful world. Reading it was one of the first times I remember feeling so many conflicting emotions about love, even though I had yet to experience many of them myself in real life.
YCNYC: Favorite quote?
JT: "The only regret I will have in dying is if it is not for love".
YCNYC: What one person would you recommend this book to?
JT: I read this book the first time in my early 20s. It really opened my world up to a less analytical, black and white way of thinking. I would recommend it to anyone at any time! But especially someone ready to wrestle with competing emotions of what's right and wrong, and perhaps even enjoy the ride of being swept away by that confusion.

YCNC: What moment or part resonates with you the most?
JT: There is a part of the story where the two main characters, Florentino and Fermina, are young and only communicate by letter for two years. Florentino passes Fermina on the street and describes to the reader this complete, all encompassing love of her; articulating her every feature, movement and gesture - yet "dares not approach her for fear of destroying the spell" - I remember reading that and thinking "why don't you just go up to her and tell her?!?" But of course, the why not is what makes the story what it is.
You can purchase Love in the Time of Cholera here.
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