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The Must-Read Book Club

Tara Tonini: This was recommended to me by the Amazon Prime internet rabbit hole

YCNYC: Favorite quote?​

TT: Healing depends upon you treating yourself with love and dignity. "I know what happened, I am sorry it happened, and I am here for you. "If you are a trauma survivor, consider this. You did not choose your trauma, but now you have choice about what you put into your mind and body.

YCNYC: What one person would you recommend this book to?

TT: Anyone who has experience any level or trauma and is interested in exploring the yoga practice as a healing tool.

YCNC: What moment or part resonates with you the most?

TT: Chapter 5 is all about paying attention to life in the present moment. There are simple practices for exploring the here and now.

You can purchase Yoga For Emotional Trauma here.

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