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The Must-Read Book Club

Andrea Stopa: I was in the library picking up another book, and decided to peruse the shelves and it just caught my eye. I opened it and I saw that the last reader had left little notes in the margins - one my my favorite ways to read a book ​. It feels ​like I am ​getting to know a stranger by sharing something intimate in a​ distant, but beautiful way.

YCNYC: Favorite quote?​

AS: “When a river meets an ocean, it realizes it is the ocean, from beginning to end.”

YCNYC: What one person would you recommend this book to?

AS:I actually recommended it to a close friend who had just gone through a huge life transition; he was feeling frustrated and disconnected from his heart and his meditation practice. To me the book served as a reminder of the true simplicity of connection and devotion, so it felt right to offer to him.

YCNC: What moment or part resonates with you the most?

AS: There is a quote from the book that I think of often; “the greatest thing you can do for another human being is to get your own house in order and find your true spiritual heart." This resonated strongly with me because I often harbored guilt for taking time to retreat into myself in pursuit of self-study. This helped me to see that loving myself and learning to truly be in touch with my heart makes me a better partner, daughter, friend, and overall, a better person to others. It also reminded me that it is not only in the retreating that the spiritual practice happens - every moment that is infused with a loving awareness can be a moment of connection and devotion. That’s why I love this book so much.

You can purchase Polishing the Mirror here.

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