What's Happening Around Town?
“If this were a criminal case, The Case Against Sugar would be the argument for the prosecution,” writes Gary Taubes, author of Why We Get Fat, in the introduction to his new book about sugar. Hear Taubes divulge on the “s” word at 7 p.m., Tues. Jan. 3 at Barnes and Noble, 2289 Broadway at 82nd St. FREE

Kaitlyn Hipple, a seasoned student of Alison West, is known for her “attention, clarity, and integrity.” Join Kaitlyn in her 5-week series, Backcare Basics at Yoga Union from 12:15 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. on Saturdays (January 7, 14, 21, 28 and February 4). The course will cover basic skills you need to participate in the Backcare and Backcare Basics classes. With other new beginners, you can learn prop adjustments appropriate for your scoliosis, herniated disk(s), kyphosis, lordosis, spondylolisthesis, lumbar or neck pain ... or any other back problem. Price is $125 or $115 if you sign up by Dec. 30.
How can you shed internal barriers to remaining disciplined and focused on your goal? Join Dharma Devi for a Shakti Dance™ Workshop for Your New Year’s Intentions on Sun., Jan. 8, 2017 from 2 to 5 p.m at Montclair Kundalini Yoga, 127 Valley Rd. We will share, stretch, dance, relax and meditate as we focus on creating the physical, mental, and energetic conditions within us to be aligned with our Truth and steady in our intentions. Price, $35/$45.