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The Must-Read Book Club

Ali Dachis: I saw her interviewed on Chelsea Handler's show and she spoke so confidently and truthfully about what it is to be a woman in this world, and what it is to struggle with self image, deep grief and loss, and finding your own voice. Her two minute interview moved me so much that the next time I ended up in a book store I picked up her book and started reading it immediately.

YCNYC: Favorite quote?​

AD: "We can choose to be perfect and admired, or real and loved. We must decide. If we choose to be perfect and admired, we must send our representatives out to live our lives. if we choose to be real and loved, we must send out our true tender selves. That's the only way. Because to be loved, we have to be known."

YCNYC: What one person would you recommend this book to?

AD: Anyone who is looking to understand the intricacies of being a woman, anyone who is dealing with loss and grief, and more specifically anyone who is grappling with a divorce, break up or loss of family.

YCNC: What moment or part resonates with you the most?

AD: There is a moment when she speaks about being so lost and she ends up in a heated yoga class, and the teacher has everyone go around and say their intention for the class, and she says "to stay on this mat and not leave." It's so simple and yet I know I have been at the bottom and just holding on to simple act of staying where I am was difficult.

You can purchase Love Warrior here.

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