The Must-Read Book Club
Patricia Pinto: I discovered this when I saw that Elena Brower was doing something called ParaYoga. I’ve followed Elena for a long time and I have enjoyed her journey throughout different yoga traditions, including Anusara, Kundalini, Katonah, and now ParaYoga. I researched ParaYoga and was really impressed with Rod Stryker and was excited to see that he had studied with another New York City Yoga master, Alan Finger.
YCNYC: Favorite quote?
PP: “The simple truth is that real fulfillment requires action. It demands that you apply skill, sensitivity, insight, courage, compassion, surrender, strength, and love.”
YCNYC: What one person would you recommend this book to?
PP: I would recommend this book to anyone that is unclear of their path. As yogis, we get this calling, and sometimes we have no idea what this calling is, we just know that something is shifting. We get very caught up on the different traditions and sway through many directions, when really all we have to do is look within! This book will help clarify what it is that you desire, so you can actively work towards this, helping you to align with your higher Self.

YCNC: What moment or part resonates with you the most?
PP: I am huge believer that you need to set intentions for your life to blossom. I have seen it work my entire life through the many traditions i have studied, from praying while I was a catholic child, to working my karma while studying Buddhism, to visualization meditation in the present day. Setting intentions, or Sankalpas, works for athletes, CEO’s and the yogi alike. The book was an exciting way to apply working with intentions to improve my life.
You can purchase The Four Desires, Creating a Life of Purpose, Happiness, Prosperity and Freedom here.
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