The Must-Read Book Club
Valerie Oula: This book was recommended through a group online business program that I was doing.
YCNYC: Favorite quote?
VO: "The most pernicious aspect of procrastination is that it can become a habit. We don’t just put off our lives today; we put them off til our deathbed."
YCNYC: What one person would you recommend this book to?
VO: Everyone and anyone, it’s an easy read and guaranteed to activate that fire within and get you moving in the right direction of your goals and dreams whatever they may be.

YCNYC: What moment or part resonates with you the most?
VO: It’s such a short book, quick read but his language packs a punch. Stephen Pressfield tells us how to identity resistance and then how to beat it - act like a professional, show up in the name of your art/ project/ dream/goals etc….
You can purchase The War of Art: Break Through Your Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles here.
Have a Must-Read book to recommend? Email us here.